It is undeniable that virtually most men are not born with natural sexual skills (despite how much some men appear like they do). These skills need to be learned. Believe me: everyone has the capability to turn into a sex stud and satisfy any sexual partner they want in bed. There are some secrets and techniques out there today that you can use to make women scream in ecstasy due to the multiple orgasms you could potentially give to your sex partner. Continue reading to find out these secret orgasm techniques and tactics...
"Finger her." The way you move about your fingers on her clitoris is important to inducing a swift orgasm. Some men simply phase out the fingering process during sex because they would like to have their pleasure as soon as possible. Do not neglect to finger her... this is the surest way to make her horny. Try it and thank me later!
"Make her relax." Women get anxious during sex, and this issue always affects their ability to reach climax. If she feels uncomfortable with a position, whisper into her ear that she looks horny doing that position. If she seems to shield a particular part of her body from you, remove her hand and gently kiss that spot. Give her a rub down or take a shower together with her early to relax her as much as possible.
"Comfort her." She knows she looks good, but deep down in her psyche she's wondering if you think the same. A woman's narcissism has made the beauty industry several trillion dollars richer, and it's also important when it comes to lovemaking. Be cautious of using words like "even if you're fat" or "cellulite". Just tell her you think she looks beautiful naked if you really want her to orgasm fast.
"Orgasm by Voice Command." A particular technique known as ZenGasms is said to give guys the superpowers to make women orgasm by using their