Lubricants or lubricants are often used in sexual intercourse to help the penetration process. The liquid is quite effective in reducing discomfort, especially in couples who do not have natural lubricants, such as due to vaginal dryness.
Currently, various types of lubricant products for sexual intercourse can be easily found in pharmacies and minimarkets. This product is also available in various types, brands, to basic materials.
In addition to conventional products, not a few people also use natural sexual lubricants. This type of lubricant is usually 'made' from materials available in the home environment.
Selain dapat digunakan sebagai bahan perawatan kulit, aloe vera juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pelumas seksual alami. Tumbuhan yang lebih dikenal dengan nama lidah buaya ini bersifat lembut dan netral.
Jika Anda ingin mencobanya, pastikan gel lidah buaya yang digunakan bersifat 100 persen murni tanpa tambahan apa pun.
2. Minyak Kelapa
Minyak kelapa dapat digunakan sebagai pelumas seksual alami. Minyak nabati tersebut baik untuk menstimulasi klitoris dan pijat vulva.
Namun, perlu diingat, hindari mengombinasikan penggunaan minyak kelapa dengan kondom. Pasalnya, minyak dapat merusak kondom berbahan lateks, sehingga bisa meningkatkan risiko penyakit menular seksual dan peluang kehamilan.
Besides being used as a skin care ingredient, aloe vera can also be used as a natural sexual lubricant. This plant, better known as aloe vera, is gentle and neutral.
If you want to try it, make sure the aloe vera gel used is 100 percent pure without any additives.
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can be used as a natural sexual lubricant. These vegetable oils are good for clitoral stimulation and vulvar massage.
However, keep in mind, avoid combining the use of coconut oil with condoms. The reason is, oil can damage latex condoms, which can increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and the chance of pregnancy.
3. Olive Oil
Olive oil is also included in the category of natural sex lubricants. This oil is good for adding moisture and reducing the friction sensation.
However, it should be noted that olive oil can cause clogged skin pores if not cleaned immediately after sexual intercourse.
In addition, also avoid using condoms with olive oil, because it can damage the function of the contraceptive.